Self Care Planner

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

Imagine how amazing it would feel to finally honor your needs, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize your own well-being.

No more feeling burnt out, resentful, or angry at the world.

No more overwhelm or irritation with your loved ones or colleagues.

Instead, you'll find yourself smiling more, feeling present, and experiencing a newfound sense of happiness.

As a highly sensitive person and recovering people-pleaser, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to set boundaries and prioritize self-care. But let me tell you, when you finally make that shift, your entire life changes for the better.

In today's busy world, it's all too easy to neglect our own needs and become disconnected from ourselves.

But now, more than ever, it's crucial that we prioritize our own well-being. It's time to stop putting ourselves last and start taking care of ourselves first. Let me help guide you on your journey to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.


  • An eye-opening exposé on what REAL self-care is (hint: it's not just bubble baths)

  • An easy-to-follow journal that will help you effortlessly integrate self-care into your everyday routine

  • Carefully crafted questions created to help you tap into your needs and shift your mindset

  • With this powerful journal by your side, you'll be able to start your day proactively and fill your heart, mind, and body with love, compassion, and energy

    Don't miss out on downloading this FREE planner to transform your life!

  • See what others using the planner have said...

  • "Using this self care planner has become a crucial part of my morning routine, its so easy to use"

  • "Having a new born while still raising a toddler has been beyond crazy but this planner has helped me keep sane. Thanks Yas!!!!"

  • "I always thought self care was stupid but using this planner has helped me realize that its much deeper than just a social media trend. I have been able to reconnect with myself again"

  • "I'm so grateful for Yas gifting us with this self care planner, it's been a life saver for me!"

  • "I've been able to say no and put boundaries thanks to using this planner daily, I seen differences in myself right away"