You know what is one of my biggest fears?

Living a mundane and mediocre life on auto-pilot. A life with no light controlled by external circumstances, past mistakes and limiting beliefs.

The thing is, at one time in my life, I was living this way.

And I’ve come to realize that this mundane life has become the “norm” for majority of people. But you’re not most people.

I know you’re not. That’s why you’re here.

I’m Yasmen, but you can call me Yas!

I’m a CBT Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

For details, I’m a UK Qualified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist with extensive training in Psychotherapy and Counseling. In addition, I’m also a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Theta-healer, and certified in Chakra Balancing and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Originally from Egypt, my family and I relocated to the UK when I was just a five month baby. Currently, I reside in Dubai, UAE and thanks to my parents, I speak fluent Arabic too.

But enough about me - let's talk about you. I offer a unique approach to healing and well-being that is not limited to the traditional psychological model.

My focus is on inspiring individuals to break free from self-imposed limitations, mental health struggles, expand their consciousness, and live their truth. I'm on a mission to help you rewrite limiting beliefs and stories by tapping into the subconscious mind to create transformation on all levels.

Inspire with Yas was born during one of the darkest periods of my life when I hit rock bottom emotionally and physically. It's a platform where I share my knowledge and experiences to empower others on their journey.

And guess what? I have a BOOK RELEASING SOON!


Hi! I am SO happy that you’re here!

For over 17 years, I battled with my weight and body image, and this led me down a path of having an incredibly toxic relationship with food.

From a young age, I subjected my body and mind to a never-ending cycle of stress, restriction, and self-loathing.

The cruel stories I told myself about my lack of worth and value only increased my insecurities, and being a young Egyptian girl who looked different from everyone else didn't make things any easier.

Feeling like I had no choice, I bottled everything up, afraid of appearing weak or broken.

I became a victim of my own circumstances.

So I threw myself into studying Psychology, reading hundreds of books, and training to become a therapist in order to find a way to help myself.

But over the years, I was able to help so many women on their journey’s but never really healed my own shadows or mental well-being.

As time went on, my mind and body were hanging on by a thread.

My unhealthy relationship with my body and food left me severely underweight, and I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and hormonal issues.

But when I took on a new job as a School Counselor, things took a turn for the worse.

The stress of handling cases, students, parents, and teacher trainings, as well as building a counseling department from scratch, pushed me over the edge.

Despite feeling off for so long, I ignored the whispers from my body until it eventually shut down.

A throbbing, excruciating pain started at the top of my neck and radiated to the back of my head, leaving me hospitalized and searching for answers.

Countless medical tests, scans, and medications later, I was left with no explanation for my pain.

Hearing that I was "fine" only made things worse, and I felt like I was spiraling out of control.

It was during this time that I realized that healing was a choice that I needed to make.

No one else could do it for me. I refused to let my circumstances dictate my future, and decided to take control of my life.

The choice was mine: either give up and allow this pain to take control or find a way to heal.

I knew it was time to confront the darkness within me, the mental health struggles that had haunted me for years.

So, I took action towards my healing, embarking on a transformational journey of self-discovery and awakening.

I was committed to my healing, determined to learn and apply whatever I could.


I dived deep into various healing modalities, including mindset work, alternative medicine, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and energy healing, among others.

With each passing day, I pushed past my resistance, cried, and prioritized my own well-being.

It wasn't easy, but I persevered, applying the knowledge and tools I had gained over the next few months. What did I have to lose? And, eventually, I found my way to healing.

I healed my osteoporosis to the point where all my x-rays came back "normal," and the doctors were left in disbelief.

As the throbbing pain at the back of my head dissipated, I regained the freedom to drive and live life once again.

Alongside my physical healing, I embarked on a journey of unlearning toxic, limiting beliefs and societal lies that had been fed to us from a young age about how we should look, act, and be.

I discovered that the conventional way of living, in constant stress and burnout, was detrimental to our minds, bodies, and souls.

It was a revelation to realize that my self-worth and value as a human being had nothing to do with my external appearance or societal approval.

I was finally able to stand in front of the mirror and feel only gratitude, love, and compassion for myself.

In the years that followed my healing, I met and married my soulmate, the love of my life.

Deepened my relationships with my family and loved ones.

Found a deeper connection to God.

Created an inspiring online social media community filled with incredible woman.

Started my own business.

Began to wake up every morning feeling genuinely excited about life.

It wasn't an easy journey, but I learned that no matter what life throws your way, there's always a way to transform yourself and your life.

I mean me, Yasmen, the SUPER insecure, highly sensitive, stuttering little girl who was once consumed with self-hate, low self-esteem, and anxiety, now lived a life that others only dream of. That my inner child dreamed of.

Believe me when I say that you too can be more, have more, do more, and feel more. It's all within your reach if you want it badly enough.

If being “normal” today means that you settle for less, feel burnout, overwhelm and anxiety daily, eat junk food, blaming everyone else, spend time gossiping, binging Netflix, have unfulfilling relationships or hate your job. Then please, I beg of you, I want to be as far away from “normal” as possible.


I create heart-centered spaces that empower women from all walks of life helping them feel seen, heard, and understood.


I speak from my own challenges I’ve faced, which led towards alot of inner work which I still continue to do so everyday.


As a professional with years of experience, I’ve learnt from my clients as I offer personalized sessions tailored to their unique needs and goals. Book a session with me today and take the first step towards the empowered, fulfilling life you deserve.


I speak from my hundreds of trainings, workshops, and certifications from different modalities.

What makes this space different?

Come on over and say hello!

Let’s connect on Instagram so you can get access to the all the inspiration, tools and teachings guaranteed to expand your mind and help you go from from ordinary to extraordinary in all areas of life!

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